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It’s TRUE! Kids Learn What They See

As parents, we often put our children’s needs above our own, thinking it’s the best way to ensure their happiness and success. But what if the best gift we can give them is the way we treat ourselves? 

Kids don’t just listen to what we say; they learn by watching what we do. 

Taking care of your own well-being teaches your child to value themselves and understand their worth.

Are you up for some Short Stories?

The Exhausted Mom and the Mirror Image

Sneha is a mother of two energetic toddlers. Her days are packed with endless activities—meals, tantrums, laundry, and work. Lately, Sneha has been running on empty, skipping meals and foregoing sleep. She keeps pushing herself, thinking she’ll rest once her kids are older.

One day, while helping her daughter Dia with a puzzle, Sneha noticed something troubling. Dia sighed heavily, looked frustrated, and muttered, “I’m tired, but I have to finish. There’s no time to rest.” It was like hearing her own voice echoing back at her. At that moment, Sneha realized her children were picking up on her exhaustion and self-neglect. By pushing through fatigue, she was teaching Dia that rest wasn’t important.

After this revelation, Sneha started making small changes. She scheduled time for herself to rest, even if it meant leaving the dishes for later. She would say out loud, “I need a break to recharge, and that’s okay.” Within weeks, Sneha noticed a shift—Dia started to voice her need for breaks too, without guilt.

The lesson was clear: When parents prioritize their well-being, kids learn that it’s not only okay but necessary to take care of themselves.


The Father Who Found His Passion

Meet Jaspreet, a father who once loved painting but hadn’t picked up a brush since his son, Deep, was born. Between work and family life, Jaspreet let his creative outlet slip away, thinking it was selfish to spend time on hobbies when there were more important things to do.

He reasoned that parenting meant sacrificing personal interests.

One weekend, after putting Deep to bed, Jaspreet finally pulled out his old painting supplies and began to work on a small canvas. He felt joy he hadn’t experienced in years. The next morning, Deep saw the painting and was fascinated. “Daddy, you made that? Can I paint too?”

That simple moment of Jaspreet reconnecting with his passion had an unexpected impact. Not only did Deep want to learn how to paint, but he also began to express his own interests more confidently.

Jaspreet’s rediscovery of his hobby became a bonding activity with his son. By embracing his passion, Jaspreet taught Deep that self-expression and following what you love are essential parts of a fulfilling life.


The Power of Saying NO

Anita was always underconfident, she said “YES” to every request, whether it was work, family obligations, or helping out at her son’s school. She believed that being selfless made her a good mom and role model. However, Anita often found herself feeling overwhelmed and resentful because she rarely had time for herself.

One evening, after a long, stressful day, her son Abhay asked for help with an extra project. She wanted to say “NO,” but hesitated. However, something inside her shifted, and she responded, “Mumma needs some time to rest tonight. We’ll work on it together tomorrow.”

Abhay looked surprised but didn’t complain. He simply nodded and went off to work on something else. Anita was stunned at how easily he accepted her boundary. A week later, Abhay approached her and said, “Mom, I’m feeling tired. Can I do my homework after dinner instead of now?”

Anita realized that by setting her own boundaries, she was teaching Abhay to respect his limits too. The power of saying “no” isn’t selfish—it’s a life skill that teaches children to honour their own needs and create healthy boundaries.

The Unseen Lessons

Children absorb far more than we realize. They’re constantly watching and learning, not just from what we say, but from how we live our lives. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury—it’s a vital lesson you’re passing on to your kids. Whether it’s showing them the importance of rest, the joy of passion, or the strength in setting boundaries, your actions speak volumes.

So next time you’re faced with a decision to either sacrifice your well-being or take a moment for yourself, remember: your self-care is your child’s lesson in self-worth.

What small act of self-care will you practice today to show your child how to value themselves?

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